SayAnnouncer addon
Your BossMod doesn't announce in /say something that you need, such as "Crash on me!"? Your RL asks you to change your BossMod? No more... This addon will help you =)
- Sends in say/yell chat important phrases in the raid, such as "Corrupting Crash on me!", if your bossmod doesn't have this option.
- No need to update! Will work for all future contents.
- Lightweight: only 3 Kb, doesn't track combatlog.
- Requirements: at least 1 guild/raid officer with PhoenixStyle addon in raid.
How it works:
- PhoenixStyle addon tracks all events and sends to SayAnnouncer a phrase that must be redirected into chat, if sender has promote or has Rank1 or 2 in your guild.
- Many features can be added in the future, because RL can choose what is needed to be announced by raiders in some clicks. If you have any suggestions - post on the forum.
- If you use PhoenixStyle addon - you don't need this addon, just enable SayAnnouncer module, you will announce phrases without promote too.
SayAnnouncer configuration in PhoenixStyle addon | Say example