RaidAchievement - Change log, full
- Upgraded to the new Wow version
- fixed for new expansion
- Fixed for new patch
- UI issue fixed for new patch.
- Some fix.
- Fix errors for 9.0 version
- Some fix
- Some fix
- Some fix
- Some fix.
- 8.2 fix.
- Some fix
- Some fix.
- Some fix.
- Some fix.
- Some fixes.
- Some fix
- Fixed combatlog scanning.
- Some fix
- ZoneID changed and now should work with a new patch.
- API updated for 8.0.1 patch to fix lua errors.
- Some fix.
- Some fix.
- Fixed.
- Some fix.
- Some fix.
- November update.
- Adapted for 7.3 patch.
- Updated.
- Removed ads.
- New fixes.
- Updated.
- July fixes.
- Update.
- Some update.
- Some update.
- Some update.
- Some update.
- New achievements added. Some raid achievements have tracking now (not tested).
- 7.2 update. More updates soon.
- Update.
- Some update.
- Some updates.
- Some update.
- New update.
- Some achieves fixed.
- Some spell id changes to fix tracking.
- December update.
- Update due to Trial of Valor.
- November update.
- Updated to support new patch.
- Update.
- More trackers.
- Added tracker for Who's Afraid of the Dark? achieve.
- Some improvements.
- More fix.
- More achievements + raids.
- More achievements.
- More achievements added. WoD module was moved to a separate addon.
- Some achievements added.
- Some updates to Legion. My ilvl is still <810 so I didn't run heroics yet.
- August update.
- Prepatch 7.0 update.
- July update.
- June update.
- May update.
- April update.
- March update.
- Phrase removed. Thanks everyone, I got just 90$ if someone is curious.
- Minor changes.
- February update.
- January 2016 update.
- Some update.
- December update.
- November update.
- Updated.
- Some fix.
- Updated for 6.2.2.
- Achievement Pro-toss removed from tracker, it's difficult to track it.
- New achieves added.
- Magnets, How Do They Work? achieve fixed.
- Fixed Non-Lethal Enforcer achievement report.
- New achievement's trackers: Pro-toss and others.
- New update after I visited the 2nd part of LFR.
- New Achievements added.
- Some fix.
- Some fix.
- First update for 6.2.
- Some updates.
- May update push.
- Small adjustments.
- First update for 6.1 patch.
- Added some new trackers. Thanks to KleMiX.
- New dungeon added. More achieves soon as I get logs.
- Some fix.
- Fixed achievement Dragonmaw? More Like Dragonfall!
- Some small changes.
- Some updates.
- Some fix.
- There are no raid trackers for the moment...
- Fixed achievement report in Everbloom.
- Fixed Achievement on Cherepon.
- WoD Heroics were added.
- Some fix.
- To use it with Pandarian expansion - download the special module.
- Fixed an error.
- Fixed UnitGUID check used for targets, mobs identification and other.
- First update for 6.0.2 patch. Report errors!
- Some changes.
- Some improvements.
- Fixed some sliders and updated for 5.4.7.
- Addes esMX support.
- Should work in flex raids. Let me know if it doesn't work.
- Updated for 5.4.2.
- Added traker for Strike! achieve.
- Minor fix.
- Fixed some achievements in new raid.
- Some updates. +1 achieve tracker.
- Added new achievement's trackers: Go Long, None Shall Pass.
- Some fix for 5.4. Next update soon.
- Fixed an error.
- Now should work in raids if you are in party or alone.
- Requires AchievementsReminder to be updated.
- Achievement Show Me Your Moves maybe fixed! If not - let me know!
- Localization update.
- If you don't have AchievementsReminder or RaidAchievement_OldModules addons - you will see those button in grey.
- Some minor updates.
- Let me know if there are achievements that could be tracked!
- New achievements from new scenarios added.
- Fixed for 5.3.
- Remember to download AchievementsReminder and RaidAchievement_OldModules addons if you need them, they are no more included into the project.
- Addon re-organised: it tracks achieves only for current expansion. To track old achievements you should download RaidAchievement_OldModules.
- Module that notify you about achievements when you change zone + tactics (that will be updated soon) is now a separate standalone addon: AchievementsReminder.
- Sorry for Ads in last versions, I wouldn't add them any more, thanks to everyone who have helped me. Addon will be updating now continuously.
- If you used Tactic module and don't want to lose your own tactics, just go to WTF folder, find a file RaidAchievement_AchieveReminder.lua open it, be sure that your tactics are there and rename it into AchievementsReminder.lua.
- Ads removed.
- Old achieve updated. Minor fix.
- If you need some achieve tracker - let me know!
- Planning your vacation? Book your hotel here:)
- Added 1 achieve (8th boss).
- Added new sound: Mario, 1 Up.
- Added new achieve on Tortos with Mario sound by default.
- Fixed an error. New achieves coming this weekend.
- 5.2 update. Need more logs to add other achieves.
- Quick fix for 5.2.
- I am out for 1 week, next update will be ready after LFR has opened.
- Fixed an error in last version due to an API that will work only in 5.2 patch.
- Yes, today is my birthday, as I got a free day on work I am working on 5.2 patch :DD
- Many fixes. Addon will not be broken by 5.2 patch, all API changed to the new ones.
- Show Me Your Moves! achieve improved (not tested): shows who FAILED! How it works: during 10 sec after first Opportunistic Strike addon checks all strikes to the same boss, if everyone does them - reports OK. After 10 sec it checks IF more than 75% of raid (first 2/5 groups) does that strike and reports who didn't strike the same boss. Then reset it and waits for the next phase.
- Fixed an error in last version.
- Added achievement tracker: Show Me Your Moves!
- Fixed The Mind-Killer achieve (when you are under control).
- Fixed 1 horde achieve tracker in Theramor (on tank).
- Fixed achievement: Who s Got Two Green Thumbs?
- Theramore s scenario was fixed for horde.
- 5.1 update.
- New Aliance scenarios added.
- In 3 years I got only 18 dollars from donations. As I do not play WoW anymore I can not spend too much time on updating, more info:
- New achieves from raids. To track achieve on Sha of Fear everyone have to install addon or use Blizzard trackers if it works.
- Some fixes.
- Fixed an error in Naxxramas module.
- Added scenarios achievements and trackers.
- Some fix and changes.
- Report any error or achievement that is missing.
- Fixed: 2 achieves in Scarlet Halls.
- List of achieves will not be shown in normal any more (to test in scenario, but I am not 90 lvl yet).
- Fixed koKR localization.
- Localizations updated (test!): koKR, zhTW, zhCN
- Fixed: achievement on Lich King.
- Added koKR localization
- Fixed many errors with old API.
- 5.0.3 update.
- Please report errors.
- zhTW: full localization addes, thanks to fanjunyi.
- Added criteria info into achieve`s list, example: "Win on Arathi (5 / 100)".
- Lich King achieve fixed: in his father room addon doesn`t track explosions any more.
- When you enter into battleground - addon will show you which achieves you need there (can be disabled).
- Mimiron achieve tracker finally fixed.
- I hate that song achieve fixed. Now it announce fail only if 2 casts were more than 15 sec, or announce "win" if you interrupt 1 of them.
- Fixed for zhCN localization.
- Fixed achieve on Spine (russian emote).
- zhCN full localization update.
- Fixed frFR localization error.
- Fixed localization for Spine of Deathwing achieve.
- Lazy Eye achieve tracker added.
- Baleroc achieve fixed.
- Baleroc achieve, now it track not Torment debuff but Tormented debuff. Seems it works not as descripted.
- Fixed 2 achieves trackers in new heroics.
- Russian localization added for Spine of Deathwing.
- Now it works in LFG and doesn`t work in LFR, finally.
- Fix: Achievement Reminder wouldn`t work in LFR too.
- Ragnaros achievement added with timers in all BossMods.
- Added achievement on Morchok (test).
- Doesn`t work in LFR any more (test).
- Some color changed in UI.
- MISSING RAGNAROS ACHIEVEMENT. Will add it in next version.
- Try to fix Rhyolith report on other fights.
- Not an Ambi-Turner achieve tracher added.
- Only the Penitent achieve added.
- Many achievement from PTR were added (for the moment addon track them in LFR, I am looking to find a way to stop it).
- FIXED BUG: stop tracking some achives in Firelands.
- Baleroc achieve - fixed. If player get debuff more than 3 times (not more than 3 stacks).
- Fixed Ragnaros` achieve ID.
- zhCN, frFR localizations updated.
- Added channels change into the main addon options.
- Removed old info that I used in 4.1 patch.
- Firelands achievements added.
- toc file updated.
- zhTW localization fixed for Valitria, now addon will track it correct.
- 2 more spell ID added for "Empowered Shadow Lance" ability (Council, Icecrown).
- Updated for 4.2 PTR.
- New achieve in ZA added (ptr).
- Fixed error in Icecrown module.
- Zul'Aman, Zul'Gurub achieves added.
- Icecrown, The orb whisperer: counts absorbs, doesn't count resist. Not sure how it works.
- temp update, new dungeons are not ready yet.
- To use this addon you have to enable "Load outdated addons", toc file will be updated in next versions, after live tests in next 3 days.
- The orb whisperer fix: now addon tracks resists, absorbs etc.
- Many fix for 4.1 patch changes.
- Faster Than The Speed Of Light - timer will stop when you kill 4 elems.
- Master sound was added (disabled by default).
- Some changes to fix Cho'gall, got reports that it's frizzing
- Main addon options now has it's frame...
- Master sound mode added (disabled)
- Localization update, mini fixes
- Atramedes lags.. mb fixed
- self only report will report fails into chat and in the middle of the screen now
- shadowfang keep, last boss achieve added, + reports when 5,8,10 adds are killed
- some achieves were deleted as you get them without killing boss
- some tactics were updated (haven't time to update all)
- alpha... to test some things
- finally loading Nax module in Kalimdor fixed, but, it will not be always loaded in Onyxia due to Blizz bug
- Chimaeron - try to fix hunter fake death...
- ups... cho'gal achieve fixed
- core changes
- some achieves removed
- some minor changes
- minnor fix, tactics update
- Onyxia Lair fix removed
- deDe localization
- many other small things
- Chimeron achieve fixed.
- Zone ID check improved (fixed error, that addon was thinking that you are in Onyxia Lair)
- Atramedes achieve added
- core changes: unit in raid/party detection improved
- many achieves were changed by Blizzard, I am trying to fix them... If some achieve was not fixed - tell me!
- tactics update
- important fix for wotlk heroics
- When you enter Onyxia Lair event "zone changed" in not triggered becouse Blizzard bug (ID was changed) - I add a tempolary (hope) fix for this
- 4.0.3.a - deleted achieves that you can't get any more
- some minor fix
- tactics update
- tagged as release
- some tactics changed
- need more opinions
- all achievement from cata heroics
- SOUND on achievement fail or complete
- now you can shift-click on achieve to send it into chat
- if achievement have criteria - they will be shown in it description
- many tactics
- many many other nice things
- + show achievement in tooltip
- + minimap button
- + many little fix
- + all names were changed to ID
- + tactics module (NOT ready for ulduar and icc)
- + some beta achievement
- /ra command was removed, nothing else
- Wotlk achieve database is ready!
- Achievement's inform modules added, you can look now which achieves you need from choosen zone
- /ra command is added to open menu
- fixed error in localization, hope next version will be with 2 new modules that I almost finished! :)
- fixed an error with empty DB in Halion room, Ulduar achieves added
- fixed 1 more error
- achieve on Ignis fixed
- new module testing..
- test version of a new module that informs which achieves you need in a current zone (ICC and TOC ready for testing)
- 4.0 updated (need to confirm spell ID) there are still some errors.
- now you can see achieve description and its status in addon menu
- coming soon: achieves database, when you enter dungeon you will see which achieves you need, and which addon will track
- Gundrak last achive fixed! There was no reset after a wipe. I read about it on a forum, and noone reported it in comments here =(
- some fixes in Ulduar achieves
- localization updated
- fixed DC in instance. Sorry =(
- now addon will work correct for all names with a specific symbols (a, e etc)
- moduls will be load with a little delay after changing zone
- Ulduar 1 achieve fixed
- frFR locales update
- fixed achieve on Putricide (after patch changed) :(
- announce raid achievements without promote
- self report a little changed
- Pit of Saron some fix for cross-realms names
- NEW MODULE: continue track achievement even after its fail
- -1 achievement from heroic (bugged)
- sindragosa achieve updated
- Sindragosa achieve fixed, doesn't count pets anymore
- + Valithria achieve in normal
- Aracnofobia timer will be reset if you leave Naxx for 2 min
- added option to disable msg that new version is avaible
- fixed 1 achieve on Lich King fight
- Azjol Nerub 1 achieve added
- koKR localization (exept ulduar)
- on 1 boss in Pit of Saron achieve fails from debuff on pets.
- added 1 achieve in Lich King fight (test)
- info about new version is now showing out of combat only
- blood prince achieve updated
- small changes
- added option to not show who fail achievement
- Achievement fixed: Dances with Oozes
- Achievement added: Nausea, Heartburn, Indigestion...
- Brann yells updated
- fixed some reports of failing achieves after boss dead
- if in PhoenixStyle you enable announce with out promote - it's work with R.A. too
- Kologarn achieve fixed
- If player die in bone spike - it doesn't fail achieve
- + version check
- + deDE full localization
- IMPORTANT FIX: DC when failing Boned-25
- deDE + zhTW localization update
- if you add custom channels in PhoenixStyle addon you can set anounce into them
- fixed achieves on 1 and 4 boss ICC.
- Many changes to reduce memory and CPU utilisation
- hot fix: new heroics names and achieves in all localizations (missed: Corrupted Soul Fragment in zhTW and maybe in deDE)
- marks in chat will be shown in all localization now.
- bugfixed achieve on Hodir (only 1 nick will be shown
- bugfixed achieve in new heroic (important)
- 4 new herioc achieves added (test, 3.3 ptr 10835)
- some achieves in IC added (test, 3.3 ptr 10835)
- little reduced memory and CPU utilisation
- fixed achievement "I've Had Worse"
- fixed achievement on Hodir, added antispam function if you have more then 1 people in group with this addon (TEST)
- added Naxxramas and Heroics module
- added report 'who fails achieve'
- fixed long strings
- added self only report if you haven't promote
- added zhTW support
- beta
- another alfa version
- First alpha...